Bastardizing a Hunter’s Dream

So here I am in a post sick daze, recuperating from a week of influenza. I’m trying to justify why I’m at work and reconcile that with my need to have the newest milestone of the software package I work on finished by next week, so it’s ready for showing at the ETA conference in Las Vegas.

So I’ll be off to the most superficial place in the world next week, as a shill for a financial company. Pure Gonzo engineering. I take pride in twisting a twisted dream, even though that’s likely me trying to flavor an other wise banal event with intellectually subversive thought.


Well, a lot of stuff has been going down lately… First off a friend of mine from macon, Darren, is moving to Savannah in November so he came down apartment hunting and to generally feel out Savannah. I did my best to make a pretty banal place seem exciting, and it seemed to work. I think this legitimizes his claim that Scranton is a nexus of boredom.

I’ve also been working on a couple of web design projects which I’ll post once I’m nearer to completion. I’m working with Pezzah on Lono, a cross-platform Myth III tag editor with some nifty features, I’ve been crazily updating this code(Catalyst Code), and am also using it on a software engineering project’s website. In addition I’m still mopping up WWIIi. So I’m really busy, but a couple of these projects should taper off in the near future, which will help my sanity.

Treading Water

Well, I am making my mesh(a Myth III level/mod) public. Unfortunately we are having to rebuild the mesh from the ground up and are no longer working on this version of the level, and due to not having access to a 3.x version of character studio the models for our units are not yet in (The models currently used are designed to be the civilians for the game). The final version is currently being rebuilt from scratch and make take a little while to be finished (I am taking a pause from development to clear a backlog of work I need to do, and so is Dale (AKA Sinful Soul)).

Spring Broke?

I’m out of classes for a week, but this has, unfortunately, not resulted in any extra free time for me. I am working on the game for my video game design class, assembly stuff for Arch 2 and then there’s the FAR protocol I just put up on Catalyst. Hopefully all this work will result in some cool finished products, but that remains to be seen.


This is the final update for my web class. I have added the submenus for IE users . I added more quotes (for a current total of 16). The links page has been updated and expanded.

I have a new bulliten board with better behavior and threading. Many of the pages with Listings (like the people section and projects menu) are now a more readable font and are contained within a new 3-d box-thing. There are two more essays in the Ideas section.

Various minor bugs and problems have been corrected.

I have corrected a few more minor problems on the Catalyst site and have added a new Catalyst animated banner to this page.


I am currently testing a new site I am working on. This is the first version of the AASU Dental Hygiene site. Let me know if anyone has any ideas or finds any problems. Otherwise, I’m just tring to get stuff done.

Suck in Gear

My financial aid is STILL not in (yes I did begin school in august). If it doesn’t get here soon I'll be eating my furniture, which is assuredly not tasty. I did another update to the Catalyst  site, it is now in a semi-finished form. I am working on the AASU dental Hygiene site, so that should be up in a week or so…


I added the pulsing banner to the top of this page. The news section was getting a bit bloated so I cut it down and archived the first half of this year. I have been working on an update to the Catalyst site, there is more to add but it should be finished shortly.


My free time has suddenly vanished! Since we are waiting on an insurance settlement on our car I have to do quite a bit of driving. A larger and more content oriented update is coming soon but for now I am just shifting some other sites and files over to Armstrong’s server. I have hit my 5 Mb ceiling on this server, I am hoping to get a top level domain but this will occur only after I receive my financial aid which may be November!!!


Since this is an ‘official’ update for my business and technical writing class there will be many updates between now and friday, but I’m confining them all to a single entry. My editorial was published in the Savannah Morning News, but they deleted most of my major points so [here] it is. I added more affiliates and graphics to the foot of the news page (this page).

There is now a random quote javascript on this page. It currently cycles one of four quotes, but I plan to periodically add more.

I also added the Projects page and an e-mail link

My banners have been changed since linkshare doesn’t seem to have a very good system.