3rd Update

Wow… one update this year, but it’s a major one. still no people page, and I’m not sure there will be any time soon. It’ll be along eventually , though, and at least now there won’t be any dead links now that the navbar is modular. I’m going to put up a new paper and get some stuff in the ‘stuff’ section working.

2nd Update

Man o man i’ve been slack about doing my site…

I put up some more papers and i’ll try to get the Art page working

The people page will be up any day now…

1st Update

The frames are working. i put the ideas section up with some of my papers, more will be up soon. i am going to my grandparent’s to teach my grandmother how to use a mac (she just got an [imac]) this weekend, i’ll probably do an update monday. Unless I feel particularly saucy and do some updates from there.

the main graphics work now

the stuff section will probably be up soon (with some art).