I put up some more updates and added a page and some future links in the people section, there should be major updates come spring break (possibly before). I haven’t been able to update the Ion Design page, but then again, we need to come up with a permanent name. I will try to finish up the main structure of this site within the next month, even possibly adding some interface features. I would also like to rant a little bit about how much Philips electronics sucks: I bought a CDRW, It burned ok for about 2 weeks… now I get about 10 coasters for every CD. My E-mail has gone unanswered for 2 months, and tech support insists it’s the software (even though the drive flashes an error, and the software reports a HARDWARE error), and after speaking with very accommodating tech support with adaptec they assured me (after actually doing some diagnostics) that it was, indeed, a hardware problem. A second call was responded to by ‘well…’, as if they couldn’t envision any scenario where their hardware could be at fault. I guess that is that, and I have an expensive CD -drive, so to make it short: no amount of advertising will make up for a shitty product (but then again… there’s windows), so DON’T BUY PHILIPS,
12th Update
There is now a software section under things. I am working on other updates, but I’m not sure if they will make it up over the weekend. I will also be updating the Ion page and there has already been a minor one.
11th Update
The things section is done, there are various updates and corrections elsewhere. I was sick last week, hence the absence of updates. I am doing the final version of the [off campus activities] site, when it is finished I will add a link. By next weekend The [Main Ion Design Page] should be done, I am experimenting with style sheets, but I’m not sure if *that* portion will be ready by then, though.
9th Update
There is more in the Things section, though it is still under heavy construction. It has suddenly gotten very cold, which is actually not so bad, but then again I’m not outside all day… There will be some more stuff forthcoming this weekend.
8th Update
I have put up a lot in the people section, there are many new friends there. For the sake of closure my class won’t hold me back from arch., so missing it is a minor annoyance, not a major catastrophe. I got a Sega Saturn for $20 due to the Dreamcast clearance frenzy, and I am actually pretty impressed… the video is much better than playstation. Classes seem pretty good, so maybe I can keep a grasp on sanity. I created a bamboo forest [memorial page] and there are various updates in other places.
7th Update
I have put up a lot in the people section, there are many new friends there. For the sake of closure my class won’t hold me back from arch., so missing it is a minor annoyance, not a major catastrophe. I got a Sega Saturn for $20 due to the Dreamcast clearance frenzy, and I am actually pretty impressed… the video is much better than playstation. Classes seem pretty good, so maybe I can keep a grasp on sanity. I created a bamboo forest [memorial page] and there are various updates in other places.
6th Update
My page (people section) is now up as well as the beginnings of my links page if you know me and want me to link to your page [e-mail] me. The navbar has been re-scaled, and i’ll get around to actually resizing the graphics someday. I am pulling my hair out due to school. I had 2 classes dropped off my schedule , it took me all day to get it straight again. Now I don’t have the only class I was counting on, which might put me behind for arch! (putting me a year behind) I would sooner transfer than taking on another year here. 2 years has made me into a gibbering lunatic. We’ll see how this works out. There is also a test site i am working on at [www.netcom.com/~khrome/offcampus/]
10th Update
My [schedule] is up. I probably won’t be able to update until the weekend, but, then again… stranger things have happened.
5th Update
There are now considerably more pics in the stuff section. I also put up a few poems. Sooner or later I’m going to have to think of some more useful additions, but for a while I’ll simply be increasing the size & scope of the site, rather than adding features. My semester starts soon, and in the next few days I have to work on the [GSAMS page], which I am responsible for, so I’m not too sure how much I’ll be able to add soon, but The links section might appear in the near future.
4th Update
Two in a row.. can i keep it up? I have added the people section. There is also a new piece of art under ‘stuff’. Hopefully I will get a links page up soon. There should also be periodic updates of the people section.