Cliché Feedback Loop

So, I’ve been a little worn out to come up with a clever topic so I can neuter my own need for change. I’ve had quite a talent for meeting people lately though, which leads me to wonder: Aren’t the things we do to elevate ourselves and our loved ones the very thing that distances us from them?

I went to Vegas for the ETA tradeshow (which was brutal in and of itself, something like 32 total hours in the airport), which… if you haven’t been is a rather odd place, even though superficially it’s all a facade, people experience so much goodwill and attention there it’s a natural magnet for human interaction. While my juvenile self would have had none of it, I not only enjoy the atmosphere, but the intellectual grasping frenzy which goes along with it.

At some point I’m going to need to sleep more, perhaps I’ll write more then.